Stories We Live By

I don’t think anyone would really disagree that one of the ways humans communicate most commonly and effectively is through stories. Through stories we encounter new ideas, new cultures, even new worlds. We tell stories to our friends to make them laugh, or to help them sympathise with us. We teach children through stories, helping…

Children’s Stories

Growing up as a Christian, for me, was fantastic. My faith is still going strong, and who I am today has been shaped by the things that I experienced and was taught as a child in church. I went to Sunday School every week, and at Sunday school I learnt Bible verses (most of which,…

Escaping Into A Story

In what is likely to be my last blog post before I go on holiday next week, I want to write about escaping into new worlds. Maybe I’ve got holiday on the brain or something, but I’ve always found that one quality (one of the most important qualities, in fact) that a book must have…

Gods and Monsters – Ancient Mythology

Ancient mythology is an area that really interests me. This might seem like an odd thing for a Christian to like, but for me it seems fairly natural that if you have a strong belief in a god, you would be interested by others who have had a strong belief in different gods throughout history….